What makes the perfect fitness routine for beginners who want the ideal male body, with so many choices ranging from kickboxing to kettle bells, Pilates to power lifting?
Your guide will be your goals.
What constitutes the best exercise routine is decided by your priorities. If you want to enhance your body's appearance and form, you'll probably end up doing a bodybuilding workout. Or it will track you down. Bodybuilders tend to be on the cutting edge of something related to diet and exercise, which then extends to the general public.
Even if you don't want to look like them, you have to respect their commitment. That is the issue: most men and women would rather look like an underwear model than a bodybuilding champion. Since you don't want to look like a hulked-up bodybuilder, it stands to reason that not every aspect of a bodybuilding workout can help you achieve the look you desire.
how to prevent common bodybuilding workout blunders
1) Don't overtrain
You don't need a certain amount of exercise just because you can handle it.
Getting a great body should improve rather than subtract from your enjoyment of life. It is not necessary to dedicate your entire life to the gym in order to obtain the body you want.
2) Stand firm in your beliefs.
When anyone asks how hard you can bench, you know you've been approved by the gym's "lifters." Who cares, I don't know about you, but I just want to look nice in my underwear!!! I'm just half-joking, but it's vital to know what your fitness goals are and not be swayed by what other people think you should be doing.
3) Exercise to get the body you want
We don't all grow up trying to be 250 pounds of muscle that scares girls away; we want to look like a hero, not the Hulk! Do you just want to be asked to wear MC Hammer's underwear? For me, I want to look as much like the guy on the Calvin Klein box as possible, so my workouts are geared toward that goal.
While we can learn a lot from bodybuilders' commitment and techniques, the trick is to adjust what they do to fit you and your goals for a beginner workout routine that gets you on the road to the ideal male body.
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