Your trapezius muscle group is more than just a strikingly attractive part of your body; it also consists of hard-working fibers that support your shoulders and limbs and performs a number of important tasks, such as stabilizing the neck and head, allowing movement of the shoulder blades, and even aiding in breathing.
Despite the fact that the upper fibers of the trapezius muscles typically receive the most attention since they are the most noticeable from the front, the trapezius muscles are made up of middle and lower fibers as well.
What serves lower traps?
Just ask yourself how many workouts you are aware of that target your lower traps particularly. Zero, that's right. The middle and lower traps, however, play a crucial role in maintaining the health of the back and greatly contribute to the attractiveness of a well-developed back.
The lower portion of the trap is just as crucial as the upper portion, as is the case with many other body parts. What happens if this is overlooked, resulting in one side being stronger while the other stays frail and stiff? Yes, injuries and, uh, muscles that are flat or odd-looking.
The top 3 exercises for the lower traps
We provide you with the three lower trap workouts you probably don't practice enough of for the sake of balance, strength, health, and appearance:
Bench Incline Dumbbell Shrug
With this particular variation of the shrug, you can effectively isolate your lower traps, which are responsible for pulling back your shoulder blades and compressing them together, so that the more you lean over, the more you'll impact them.
Set the bench at a 45 or 60-degree angle if this is your first time performing the exercise because that typically tends to be the most comfortable setting. Straighten your shoulders now and point them up at the ceiling.
Your lower fibers should burn in the desired way after 3–4 sets of 8–12 reps.
Row, Dorian Yates
Yates rows are exactly the excellent back builder you think they are, bearing the name of the owner of one of the best backs in sports history. The normal barbell back row exercise is fairly similar to this one, except you just need to bend forward about 30 degrees instead of as far as you can toward parallel.
Yates used an underhand grip to hold the bar, although an overhand grip would be preferable if you want to reduce bicep activation.
Pull the bar to your stomach, hold it there while pressing your shoulder blades together for a little period of time, then release it and repeat.
Again, the traditional 3–4 set, 8–12 rep range will work wonders for maximizing hypertrophy increases.
Dumbbell Row with One Arm
You've probably noticed that your hands need to move further back than the barbell permits for your traps to fully retract your shoulder blades during a rowing movement. By practicing one-arm dumbbell rows while kneeling, you can get around this problem.
Kneel down and support yourself with one arm while placing one foot on the ground and the other holding the dumbbell. As you do this, make sure your upper body is nearly parallel to the floor. Let the dumbbell fall to the floor.
The back will be greatly stretched as a result. Keeping the body still, raise the dumbbell straight up to the side of your chest until it rests next to your stomach. Your shoulder blade should be completely retracted at the top position. After briefly contracting your back muscles, release them and resume your original position.
With each arm, repeat for a few sets of 8–12 repetitions.
Consider super-setting your trap exercises for maximum results. Good luck and perseverance!
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