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10 Minute Home Workout for Bodyweight Abs Crusher


10 Minute Home Workout for Bodyweight Abs Crusher

Ready to give a rest to the heavy iron? With these demanding, core-strength-enhancing exercises, put your own bodyweight to work and start forging the six-pack. Get the abs cut, the obliques shredded and make your core solid. This exercise targets the obliques, but with only your body weight, you can also work all of the abdominal muscles and heart.

1. Plank hollow

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec
Why: It acts on the muscles of all your abs, including the deep-lying muscles of stability, as well as strengthening your lower back.
How To: How To:

  • With your arms and legs fully extended, lie on your back.
  • Flex the abs and lift the feet and hands off the floor.
  • Without letting your hands or feet hit the floor, sustain this pressure on your heart for 20 seconds.

2. Plank Hop and Tuck Side-to-Side Feet

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec
Why: Your upper and lower abdominals work, as well as your obliques (side abs).
How To: How To:

  • Start at the top of the press-up pose, then leap forward with your feet so that your knees meet your hands.
  • Kick your legs out and to one side from there, then bring your knees back to the middle and then back to the other side.
  • Focus on keeping each hop smooth while keeping the working muscles tense.

3. Crunch on bicycle

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec
Why: The obliques mostly work, but the upper and lower abdominals are often heavily recruited to keep the upper back and feet off the floor.

How To: How To:

  • Lie down on your back, then crunch your torso and lift your feet off the floor.
  • Crunch and twist the torso so that while bringing in the opposite knee, your elbow comes forward, so they meet over your body.
  • Reverse the transfer to the starting spot, then repeat with the opposite elbow and knee, making sure that for the full 20 seconds, you keep your feet off the floor.

4. Rolling board

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec
Why: A tough variation on the classic plank that places more emphasis on your obliques.

How To: How To:

  • Start with your elbows under your shoulders on the plank, leaning on your forearms.
  • Move to one side to touch the floor with your hip, then roll back to the other side to touch the floor with your hip.
  • Repeat, keeping the motion slow and controlled.

5. Heel Touch

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec
Why: This motion works the upper abdominals and obliques even harder than it seems.
How To: How To:

  • Lie off the ground with your upper back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • To hit your ankle, crunch and reach forwards with one straight arm, then go back to the start and repeat on the other side.
  • Keep your upper back absolutely off the surface.

6. Crunch of side plank

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec
Why: Another motion that works the obliques, while the tiny stabilizing muscles are recruited by the crunch movement to keep you balanced.
How To: How To:

  • Start with your elbow under your shoulder in a side plank position that rests on one forearm.
  • Keep your top arm straight out next to your head with your top leg lifted.
  • To pull your elbow and knee together, contract your abdominals, then straighten all of them back out.
  • The second set swaps sides.

7. Legs-together thrust of hips

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec
Why: One of the hardest and easiest ways for your lower abs to work, which is important if you want to turn a six-pack into a four-pack.
How To: How To:

  • Lie down with your legs together on your back, lifted from the floor, and your arms straight on the floor.
  • To lift and raise your glutes and lower back from the floor, contract your abs.
  • At the top, keep this spot, then lower back to the beginning and repeat.

8. Kick-out press-up

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec
Why: a tough but satisfying motion that works both your chest and shoulders and your abs.
How To: How To:

  • When you return to the starting spot, do a press-up and go on one hand to lift your torso and kick your leg through it.
  • Return to the starting spot, press-up again, then repeat, but kick to the other foot.
  • To prevent yourself from falling over, keep each rep smooth and controlled and make sure your abs are fully engaged.

9. Plank with lift of leg

Time: 20sec Rest: 10sec Rest: 10sec

Why: Alternately, raising your legs would cause the whole heart to stay triggered for the full 20 seconds of function.
How To: How To:

  • Starting in the posture of the plank, resting with your elbows under your shoulders on your forearms.
  • Then lift one foot as high as you can, holding your leg straight. Brace your core.
  • Once again, lower it, then lift the other knee.
  • Keep every rep smooth and managed, and momentarily hold your foot in the top position to work the abs really hard.
