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5 Low Carb Diet Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

5 Low Carb Diet Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Low-carb diets are increasingly common, but they also make it simple to make mistakes.

There are various obstacles that can have negative consequences and produce less-than-ideal outcomes.

Simply reducing your carb intake won't provide you with all the metabolic advantages of low-carb diets.

Here are the top 5 low-carb blunders, along with advice on how to prevent them.

Most frequent low-carb diet errors

1. Consuming excessive carbs

Despite the fact that there is no clear definition of a low-carb diet, anything with 100–150 grams or less per day is typically regarded as low-carb. This quantity is unquestionably much lower than that of the typical Western diet.

If you stick to this carb range and only eat whole, unadulterated foods, you might see fantastic results.

This level of intake, however, may be excessive if you wish to enter ketosis, which is necessary for the ketogenic diet.

To enter ketosis, the majority of people must consume less than 50 grams per day.

Remember that this limits your carbohydrate options to veggies and modest amounts of berries.


Consuming less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day could be necessary if you wish to enter the state of ketosis and experience all the metabolic advantages of low-carb diets.

2. Consuming excessive protein

Most people don't get enough protein, a crucial macronutrient.

Compared to other macronutrients, it can promote fat burning and enhance sensations of fullness (1Trusted Source).

Increasing protein intake should, in general, result in weight loss and better body composition.

However, low-carb dieters who consume a lot of lean animal products may overindulge in them.

When you consume more protein than your body requires, a procedure known as gluconeogenesis will cause some of the amino acids to be converted into glucose (2Trusted Source).

On very low-carb, ketogenic diets, this can become an issue and stop your body from entering full-blown ketosis.

Some scientists believe that a well designed low-carb diet should have a lot of fat and little protein.

Aim for 0.7-0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight as a general rule (1.5–2.0 grams per kg).


On a low-carb diet, excessive protein intake can keep you out of ketosis.

3. Not Wanting to Consume Fat

Dietary carbohydrates, particularly sugars and grains, are often where most people acquire the majority of their calories.

You need to substitute something else for this energy source if you eliminate it from your diet.

However, some people think that a low-carb diet will be even better if fats are eliminated. This is a serious error.

You must consume more fat if you don't consume any carbohydrates. Failure to do so could result in malnutrition and hunger.

As long as you stay away from unhealthy fats like trans fats and go for monounsaturated and omega-3 fats instead, there is no scientific basis for fearing fat.

Some people following low-carb or ketogenic diets may do well with a fat intake of about 70% of total calories.

You must choose fatty meat cuts and generously add healthy fats to your meals if you want to reach this range of body fat.


A diet with extremely few carbs must be high in fat. You won't obtain enough food or energy to keep yourself going otherwise.

4. Avoiding sodium intake

A decrease in insulin levels is one of the key processes driving low-carbohydrate diets (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).

Your body uses insulin for a variety of purposes, including instructing fat cells to store fat and your kidneys to retain salt (5Trusted Source).

When you follow a low-carb diet, your insulin levels drop and your body starts excreting extra salt, along with water. This is why people who eat low-carb frequently lose extra bloating within a few days.

But sodium is an essential electrolyte. Problems with low sodium levels might arise if your kidneys excrete too much of it.

This is one of the causes of low-carb diet-related adverse effects include dizziness, lethargy, headaches, and constipation.

Increasing your sodium intake is the greatest approach to get around this problem. You can achieve this by adding salt to your food, but if that is insufficient, try consuming a cup of broth daily.


Low-carb diets cause your kidneys to excrete extra salt because they lower insulin levels. This can result in a slight sodium shortage.

5. Making a hasty exit

Your body is built to burn carbohydrates first. As a result, if carbs are always available, your body will use them as fuel.

If you dramatically reduce your carb intake, your body will switch to burning fat, either from your food or its own reserves.


Low-carb diets cause your kidneys to excrete extra salt because they lower insulin levels. This can result in a slight sodium shortage.

the conclusion

Some of the major health issues in the world, such type 2 diabetes and obesity, may be cured by low-carb diets. Science offers strong support for this (6, 7, 8Trusted Source).

However, reducing carbs alone won't help you lose weight or improve your health.

You reach optimum wellbeing, make sure to consume a well-balanced diet and receive adequate exercise.

