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Six easy exercises to get a larger chest


Six easy exercises to get a larger chest

Many bodybuilders are willing to try anything in their quest for enormous, full, and maximally striated chests, but they soon find themselves lost and perplexed in the wonderland of fancy, over-the-top complex chest movements that assert to offer superior advantages to the traditional exercises used by the legends of the Golden Age of bodybuilding.

There are many workouts that effectively strengthen the chest, but there are a few crucial ones that should never be overlooked because they have contributed to some of the most magnificent chests in this game's history. Going back to the fundamentals will therefore enable you to maximize the growth potential of your pecs if they are underdeveloped.

Here are six workouts that are a must-do if you want to have a large, round, and robust chest!

Six exercises to increase chest size

The bench press, first

No matter how often the opponents of the bench press urge lifters to abandon their belief in this traditional action, it can't be that horrible considering that some of the greatest chests of all time have used it as the focal point of their chest training arsenal.

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The high level of effectiveness of this exercise has been repeatedly demonstrated, thus it should have an eternal mandate in your chest training plan. Obviously, bench pressing alone won't give you a jaw-dropping chest.

#2. Bench press with reverse grip

Regular bench presses, as amazing as they are, are also known to cause joint pain. Alternate between standard bench presses and reverse-grip bench presses, or utilize the reverse-grip variation for the warm-up sets, to get over this issue.

This alteration can speed up joint recovery and increase pushing strength, but it takes some getting used to because of the slightly awkward position before you can use the exercise to its maximum potential.

Keeping your hands slightly tilted rather than totally rotated to the point where they are in line with the bar is a terrific suggestion for hand positioning; imagine doing this by grasping the bottom half of a steering wheel with both hands.

Cross-bench dumbbell pullover #3

The bodybuilding gem was a mainstay during the Arnold era for good reason—it's pretty much unbeatable for developing the chest. It works every muscle in the best possible way, from the bottom of your pecs to your abs, lats, and triceps.

Many bodybuilding superstars have emphasized the value of this exercise over the years, including Dorian Yates, Ronnie Coleman, and Frank Zane. Unfortunately, modern chest training regimens frequently overlook it, maybe because it is thought to be shoulder-deadening.

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Cross-bench pullovers, however, are completely safe and are certain to offer plenty of significant improvements in chest size and strength if you do them correctly and concentrate on attaining a full stretch.

The greatest way to achieve results is to do the entire exercise slowly, deliberately, and through the full range of motion.

Fourth: Weighted dip

Dips, often known as "the upper body squats," are one of the best workouts for developing the upper body and the chest, say many trainers and seasoned bodybuilders.

In fact, they're regarded as being superior to push-ups in terms of increasing upper body strength and mass, largely due to the fact that they're much more difficult and allow for the use of an unlimited amount of weight, allowing you to continuously add pounds to your dip strength and overload your muscles for better growth.

Perform these with a slight forward lean and keep your elbows out to enhance chest overload.

#5. Fly dumbbells

Although it may not seem like a winner at first appearance, the dumbbell fly is a fairly effective workout that has a number of advantages. Dumbbell flies are known for helping to develop genuine, functional chest strength because they precisely replicate the motion that your pecs perform when you bring your arms across your chest. Additionally, it activates the stabilizing muscles of the biceps and rhomboids.

A fully formed chest is characterized by high levels of both thickness and width, and while the bench press is tremendously good for generating enormous chest thickness, the dumbbell fly is one of the best techniques available for establishing chest width.

Perform the exercise on a flat bench to maximize the pec activation as well as the front and top of the shoulders. Additionally, avoid extending or pressing the dumbbells, and maintain a stable elbow angle.
Isometric contraction, number six

Tensing your muscles without increasing their length is the goal of isometric training. The ability of the body to almost fully activate all of its motor units, which is otherwise nearly impossible, is one of the key advantages of isometric tension.

All the primary growth factors remain in the muscle tissue for a longer period of time as a result of the restricted blood flow that comes along with extended muscle tension, which leads to increased growth, according to several studies conducted to far. Additionally, targeted isometrics are a terrific approach to quickly and effectively resolve a sticking point at a certain joint angle during a particular exercise. The strength gained at one joint angle will likely transfer to the others, which is even better.

When it comes to chest exercise, isometric contraction enables you to better control and define your pecs. Theoretically, more repetitions of a given contraction are thought to increase strength, whereas sustaining a contraction for a longer period of time is thought to increase muscle mass. Regardless of what you decide to do, make sure to squeeze your pecs as hard as you can from every aspect.

