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If you want to make your muscles look very good, you'll need to train them all. This is also true of your arms, especially your biceps and triceps. To put on a lot of muscle on them, you'll need to use compound movements with a lot of weight, as well as proper form and a full range of motion. With all of this, as well as the proper amount of rest and nutrition, you'll be well on your way to developing large arms that will astound anyone who sees them.

Your triceps are an extensor of your elbows and shoulders and play an important role in shoulder joint stabilization. If you want to embark on the journey suggested in this article, your aim is to strengthen these muscles, which will improve your shoulder stability and strength. When you focus on your triceps and strengthen them, your arm will become more functional, flexible, and have a wider range of motion.

This will increase physical prowess and success in almost every mission or sport that involves arm movements and upper body strength. If you really want to take it to the next stage, try any supersets, which typically result in hypertrophy, which is when the muscles extend beyond their normal range of motion. This is because supersets help to prepare the body for muscle growth by providing a favorable biological and hormonal environment.

I recommend beginning with three supersets for arm building – there are three supersets in this article that each include two exercises that will activate both your triceps and biceps. But, you may wonder, what exactly is a superset.

It occurs when you perform a series of exercises one after the other with little to no rest in between. This means that, despite the fact that these exercises target different muscle groups and employ completely different movement styles, they will still have a significant impact. You may also perform supersets on antagonistic muscles, such as the biceps and triceps, which do not engage with each other during exercise.

Pushes and pulls will be used to trigger each muscle, but not at the same time. A superset like this will tax your upper body, but the muscles you work first will be rested in the next workout, and so on. This way, only one muscle group is exercised at a time, but you get a bonus effect because blood is pumping in the upper body.

First, let's take a look at the major movements that will help you gain muscle and strength in your upper arms. Following that, we must pay attention to the higher rep exercises that will lead to hypertrophy when you exercise.

Here are the six most common workouts combined in a far more effective way to add more muscle to your muscles than anything else.

1. CLOSE GRIP BENCH PRESS – 3 x 5–6 reps, superset with

2. CLOSE GRIP CHIN-UPS – three sets of five to six reps

3. TRICEPS DIPS – superset with 3 sets of 10 reps.

4. 3 sets of 10 reps of EZ BARBELL CURLS

5. EXTENSIONS OF DUMBBELL TRICEPS – 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps, superset with

SEATED DUMBBELL CURLS – 3 x 12 to 15 reps

1. Bench Press with a Tight Grip

If you want to strengthen and bulk up your triceps, close grip bench presses are definitely the most powerful workout. This exercise allows you to use a lot of weight, so make sure to increase the amount of weight you use for each session, and in your last set, use a very heavy weight that you can only lift five or six times before hitting muscular failure. After each set, rest for 30 seconds before transitioning to close grip chin-ups.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for improving your near grip bench presses.

As you lay on a flat bench, take a tight grip that is about your shoulder width. Raise the bar from its resting position and place it directly in front of you. Arms clenched

Inhale deeply and lower the bar until it reaches your chest skin.

Stop for a moment before pushing the bar back up to its starting position while exhaling. Be sure to use your triceps and focus on them when doing this exercise. When you hit the peak of the contraction, lock your arms and hold them there for a split second before lowering the bar.

Rep until you've completed the necessary number of reps.

Replace the bar in its original position until you've completed all of your reps.

2. Chin-Ups with a Firm Grip

Chin-ups are an excellent back exercise, but close grip chin-ups will strengthen the biceps. You'll have to focus to avoid swinging around and pulling with your arms rather than your back muscles. Here's how to go about doing it.

Grab the bar with your hands facing towards you and a grip that is thinner than your shoulders.

Make sure your body is as straight as possible when keeping the bar at the chosen grip with both arms extended. Your lower back should be bent and your chest should stick out.

Your biceps will be more stressed if you hold your torso straight, while your back will be unaffected.
Inhale deeply and lift yourself up until your head is parallel to the pole. Concentrate on your biceps and feel them working hard to complete these exercises, but keep your elbows tight to your body's vertical plane.
At the peak of the contraction, squeeze your biceps and slowly lower yourself down to the starting spot, keeping your arms perfectly straight.
Take a breath and repeat for as many reps as you think you like.

Triceps Dips are a perfect way to improve your triceps.

Triceps dips are the penultimate exercise for shaping your triceps into tall, heavy, shapely meatballs. When you're going lower, make sure your grip is narrow and that your shoulders don't go past your elbows. If the standard ones prove to be too complicated, note that you can still use the dip unit.

Keep your body at arm's length from the bars when standing above them in order to get into your starting spot. Your arms should be almost locked together.
Take a deep breath and descend, keeping your body straight and upright, and your elbows close to it. Through doing so, you ensure that your triceps, rather than other muscles, bear the brunt of the exercise.
Continue lowering yourself until your elbows are the points where your upper arms and forearms form a 90-degree angle.

Exhale and return to the starting spot by using your triceps to lift yourself back up.
Rep this process as many times as you like.

4. Curls with the EZ Barbell

An EZ bar is preferable to a straight bar because it allows the elbows and wrists to take a more natural grip. Every set of EZ barbell curls you do should be heavier than the last, so you should be able to complete 10 reps before hitting muscle failure with the last one – make sure you choose the right weight!

Keep the EZ curl bar in your hands at the big outer handle as you stand up. Because of the shape of the bar, your palms should be facing forward and slightly inward. Your elbows must stay close to your torso!
Curl the weight in front of you while keeping your upper arms stationary and breathing out. Continue to contract your biceps and focus exclusively on your forearms.
Continue to raise the EZ curl bar until the biceps are completely contracted and the EZ bar is at shoulder level.
To get the most out of the workout, keep the bar there for a second while squeezing your biceps.

5. Triceps Extensions with Dumbbells

Dumbbell triceps extensions are a great isolation exercise to finish with. This is your final package, so make sure the weight isn't too heavy and your triceps are pumping!

This is how you go about doing it.

When lying on a flat bench, grab two dumbbells and hold them in front of you. Your arms should be perfectly straight and pointed at a 90-degree angle to the ceiling. Your palms should be facing inwards, and your elbows should be close to your body.
Inhale and lower the dumbbells slowly until they are above your head, keeping your upper arms immobile and elbows in.

Maintain your position and concentrate on your triceps so you can raise the weight back to the starting position. Take a deep breath out.
Repeat for the necessary number of reps.

6. Dumbbell Curls While Sitting

This exercise is great for being one-sided because it will give your biceps a fantastic pump. Since you want to keep your weight down, do three sets of 10 to 12 reps each. Here's how to do it.

Sitting on a flat bench, grab two dumbbells and keep them at arm's length.
Keep your elbows close to your body and your palms pointing in the direction of your body.
Curl the dumbbells towards you while rotating your wrists as the weight reaches your thighs, keeping your upper arms immobile. At the top of the rep, your hands will be pointing towards your body. When exhaling, contract your biceps, but make sure your forearms are the only moving part of your muscular puzzle.

Continue until the biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder-level height.
Squeeze the biceps to maintain the completely contracted role.
When you inhale, lower the dumbbells to the starting position and return your wrists to a neutral grip.
Rep until you've completed the necessary number of reps.

All muscle groups, including your arms, require a lot of work to develop, as well as a lot of rest and recovery. Make sure you give all of your muscles plenty of time to relax before you exercise them too hard, as overtraining will cause your body to suffer. Also, your arms are exhausted from a lot more than these exercises – they're involved in all of your upper-body movements, so give them plenty of rest and watch them grow big and solid.
