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Three exercises to strengthen those stubborn lower abs


Three exercises to strengthen those stubborn lower abs

By maintaining a nutritious diet and engaging in regular exercise, many people who are seeking to get the six-pack appearance have usually succeeded in doing so in a time frame that is practical. The adage "abs are formed in the kitchen" is undoubtedly accurate, but you'll need to put in a lot of effort in the gym to advance from a four-pack to the six-pack, and the only way to do so is by strengthening your lower abs.

The upper and middle abdominal muscles are mostly worked during abs solo workouts. A prime example is the crunch, which is a well-known workout that will undoubtedly help but only work the upper half of the abs. The middle abs will be targeted by exercises that have a wider range of motion, including those performed on the numerous ab machines found in the gym.

To truly engage those lower abs, however, you'll have to put in a lot of more effort and be more inventive. However, until you lose the additional fat to make the abs noticeable, all you do will be in vain. Of course, common sense dictates that. Having stated that, the following workouts will specifically target the lower region:

Raising a dangling leg

With numerous sets of 15 repetitions for this exercise, you may really work your lower abdominal, but it's important to avoid swinging or using any momentum. Each repeat should begin from the same position, and before starting to raise your legs again, let your lower body dangle entirely down. When your calves and hamstrings are parallel to the ground, should you elevate your legs higher than 90 degrees? This is when a lot of folks start asking lots of questions. It depends, is the correct response.

If you've never performed hanging leg raises before or haven't performed them correctly, you shouldn't worry about going above a 90-degree angle when you first begin. The primary issue with elevating your legs higher is that, typically, your form tends to get pretty sloppy when you're trying to reach such a height, especially if you're trying to reach the bar with your toes.If your goal is to isolate the lower abs with this exercise, aiming excessively high will cause the hip flexors to take over as the primary movers and the abs to play a secondary role in movement. Because of this, you should stick to the 90-degree angle and absolutely destroy your lower abs unless you are confident that you can control the rep from start to finish.

D-handle crunches

However, didn't we just say that crunches don't actually work your lower abs? Well, not unless they are performed in a specific manner that allows for full abdominal wall engagement and stretching, which puts a lot of strain on the lower abs during weighted repetitions. The rope on the cable machine is replaced with a D-handle in this version of the typical rope crunch. Place yourself far enough away from the machine so that you will be traveling up and down at a 45-degree angle.This exercise, which works the lower abs and the entire core, can be performed on the floor or, ideally, on a bench. Put your hands out to the sides with your palms facing down if you're doing it on the floor. If you're doing it on a bench, keep your hands up over your head and hang on to the top of the bench.

backward crunches

Again, the preferred option is to bend the knees at a 45-90 degree angle. Then, while lifting the s**t off the bench, bring the knees up to the chest. A more difficult form entails maintaining tight knees while attempting to elevate as much of the torso off the bench and curl it up towards the chest.

Without leaning on it, grasp the handle with your underhand and hold it in front of your forehead. Choose a weight that will add a little extra resistance to the motion without requiring you to swing your body or employ momentum, and make sure the entire range of motion is utilized. Make sure you feel the entire stretch in your abs and, if you perform each rep correctly, the sphincter muscle as you reach the peak of each rep. Yes, you read it correctly; you should experience something akin to what you would when performing Kegel exercises.Work the oblique muscles that fluidly link to the lower abs by performing many sets of at least 20 repetitions. You can also add a few repetitions on each side.

