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8 Tips for Stronger, Bigger Shoulders

8 Tips for Stronger, Bigger Shoulders


It won't matter how little your waist is if you don't have a strong pair of cannonball-shaped shoulders. Your shoulders are more than just mirror muscles; they are essential to the majority of upper-body workouts and put in a lot of effort to keep your chest stable during push-ups and bench presses.

However, if you look around in the majority of commercial gyms, you'll notice that the majority of shoulders are weak or sloping forward. It's a fairly depressing image, but that's not what's mostly to blame.

The majority of men recognize the value of having strong, healthy shoulders; nonetheless, their shoulder workout regimens are either insufficient or inadequate.

To increase their health, strength, and size, all athletes should practice the proper shoulder exercises on a daily basis. Check out these 10 ideas to learn how to obtain strong shoulders, which will improve your performance on all lifts and guarantee that your body is as impressive as it can be!

Keep Them Healthy, first.

Although it should go without saying, this is much too frequently overlooked. When you have an injury to your shoulders but continue to work out, as usual, both your performance and the health of your shoulders will suffer. Any exercise might become excruciatingly difficult if the shoulders aren't in good shape.

The most frequent cause of shoulder injuries and the dreaded hunched posture is a structural imbalance, which typically results in the front of the shoulders being overdeveloped while the back muscles are underdeveloped. For lifters, weak rotator cuff muscles are another common issue.

Healthy shoulders, for instance, may perform a press behind the back without any issues. If you are unable to perform this, something is wrong. Wall slides are an additional effective shoulder health test.

2 Shoulder Routines Guaranteed to Get the Best Shoulder Training

Standing with your back to the wall, raise your arms to shoulder height, and bend your elbows slightly to the side. Can you feel your shoulder blades descending as you move your arms up and down?

Your shoulder complex is likely excessively stiff if you notice that your arms are moving forward. Before getting back to your regular routine, take care of this if you want to maintain healthy shoulders and continue gaining mass. Never ignore shoulder discomfort.

#2. Increase mobility and flexibility

Every upper body exercise requires the shoulders; bench presses, overhead presses, dips, push-ups, and every other action using your arms rely on strong shoulders and proper scapular function. Without a strong scapula, you cannot expect to perform well or to exercise without suffering an injury. Scapular stability is the cornerstone of strong, flexible, healthy shoulders.

You definitely need to focus on this since strong shoulders will make you stronger and put less strain on your bones, ligaments, and joints. Exercises that stretch your muscles can keep them flexible and help your joints move through their entire range of motion.

Start with towel stretches by grabbing a towel with both hands and attempting to bring it behind your body while maintaining extended arms. daily, perform three sets of 20.

3. Examine your elbows

To put greater tension on the delts right away, you should always make sure that your elbows are directly beneath the bar. Never bend or let them slip forward; always keep them in a neutral position. Additionally, pay attention to moving the elbows before the wrists when completing lateral lifts.

In order to perform lateral raises correctly, you must first bend your elbows very slightly and then keep them bent the entire set. The delt stimulation you want to accomplish will be undermined if you start opening and closing at the elbows.

In addition, waving the weights up and down without extending your elbows to the sides effectively negates the majority of the exercise's delt-developing advantages. Always "lead with your elbows" to allow them to move through their full range of motion as opposed to doing that.

#4. Practice Your Cuff

Given how important it is for every athlete in every activity, a rotator cuff is a muscle group that needs special care. The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor muscles specifically offer muscular stability of the shoulder joint, and training them adequately will help prevent potentially crippling shoulder injuries.

Unfortunately, the majority of lifters don't even know they exist until they get hurt. However, it need not be that way for you! How to examine your rotator cuff muscles is as follows: A dumbbell should be rotated up against your hip when you are lying sideways on a bench.

Approximately 8–10% of your incline bench weight should be movable. If your rotator cuff is weaker than that, you should start working on strengthening it by completing inside and outward rotations at least once a week.

5. Avoid doing front raises.

There is practically no need to overburden your anterior delts with front raises if your regimen already contains a significant amount of pushing and pulling exercises, as these actions already provide all the stimulation you require.

Additionally, not all delt heads function equally. The anterior delt, which is a key mover during overhead presses and assists in all chest and triceps exercises, often carries the largest weight.

You are overworking your front delts and raising the risk of injury if you perform front raises along with several shoulder, chest, and triceps complex movements.

Make Your Rear Delts Roar (number 6)

Additionally, having large front caps and weak rear delts will affect your posture and make you appear like a caveman. The imbalance between the three deltoid heads might cause painful rotator cuff difficulties later on.

Rear delts are not sufficiently stimulated by overhead shoulder presses, but they are intensely worked during compound back exercises that require pulling your elbows back behind the plane of your body.

Starting every shoulder workout with rear delt exercises like rear delt flyes, uncrossovers, and face pulls is an excellent technique to avoid structural imbalance and overdeveloping your anterior delts. By doing so, you can get the desired 3D look, improve symmetry, and protect the health of your shoulders.

7. Vacuum and Press

This underutilized piece of fitness equipment is a fantastic way to boost stability, promote strength and size development throughout the entire upper body, and get more out of your workouts. Additionally, performing a few sets at the start of each shoulder workout will dramatically increase the efficacy of the remaining hypertrophy exercises if your shoulders are behind.

Your core muscles, delts, traps, biceps, and serratus are all used during a clean and press, and after you give it a try, you'll know which muscles are your weakest.

So that you have a solid foundation from which to operate, maintain your feet roughly shoulder-width apart. Throughout the exercise, keep your legs straight but not locked. A little bit wider than shoulder width is the ideal placement for your overhand grasp.

Use approximately 60% of the weight you would use for overhead presses. You don't need to use much weight, especially if you're new to this exercise. If you aren't already very strong and far along in your training, concentrate on sets of 5-8 repetitions.

Number 8. Superman presses

While including a number of synergists and stabilizer muscles, this exercise focuses largely on the shoulders, core, and glutes. It can be done anywhere and is excellent for preventing posture issues, safeguarding the health of your shoulders, and protecting your spine, but it's also incredibly helpful for enhancing delt development.

Lay with your chest on an inclined bench that has been set to 45 degrees. Grab a set of rather light dumbbells, extend one arm, then extend the opposite leg to perform a perpendicular press. Your lower back should remain flat, and your hips should remain straight. Keep your movements slow and fluid. Repeat after changing.

Last but not least, remember that your shoulders are strong, so don't be scared to work them twice a week.

