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How to Increase Arm Size With Push-Ups

How to Increase Arm Size With Push-Ups

The first thing that likely springs to mind when push-ups are mentioned is certainly chest exercise. In actuality, pushing yourself up is a great bodyweight workout that develops your core and upper body.

Although pushups are primarily a chest workout, they may be modified to become an excellent arm and shoulder exercise.

Can pushups help you get bigger arms?

Yes, it is the answer. Push-ups can be used at home to increase arm size. The appropriate push-up variations, many push-up sessions per week, and working past failure at least once per week are all necessary.

Although pushup variations like the biceps pushup or the diamond pushup train your biceps and triceps more than the standard variety, normal pushups do work your arms to a lesser extent.

Push-ups to build triceps

The diamond push-up is a particular version that works primarily on your triceps and front deltoids, even though they target your triceps to some extent in their usual variation. As the triceps account for two-thirds of the mass in the upper arms, developing large triceps is crucial for developing large arms.

Pushups with diamonds

Pushups with diamonds

1. Position your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart. Get on your hands and knees or balance on your toes. 3-5 inches should separate your right hand from your left hand. To perform inside pushups, move your left hand 3-5 inches closer to your right hand.

Your hands should now be spaced roughly two inches apart. Your triceps will be hammered harder by diamond pushups.

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2. Tuck your hips in and straighten your spine. Your arms should be parallel to your shoulders and your body should be parallel to the floor. To keep your torso steady, contract your abs.

3. Tilt your elbows so they point in the direction of your feet. Lift your body toward the floor while bending your arms. As you descend, keep your elbows pointing backward so they will brush against your sides.

4. Press your arms back into a straight position and lift your body back up. Push-ups should be performed in sets of 20 to 40, followed by a minute of rest.

Biceps-focused pushups

In actuality, the biceps only functions as a stabilizer muscle during pushups and only slightly (in comparison to the triceps) during pull-ups. The biceps is a pulling muscle, after all. A "biceps version" of the exercise will further boost the involvement of the biceps.

Bicep pushups

Bicep pushups

1. Assume the standard push-up position. You should be standing on your toes with your legs straight.

2. Extend the fingers of your hand at a 45-degree angle.

3. Squeeze your biceps while lowering yourself, then raise yourself back up. Breathe out as you ascend.

To get bigger arms, perform these two workouts two to three times every week.

