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Boost Mitochondrial Density to More Effectively Burn Fat

Boost Mitochondrial Density to More Effectively Burn Fat

You should target the body with enough mechanical stress in order to provide it with a reason to generate more mitochondria in order to improve mitochondrial density. In this article, we discuss how to enhance mitochondrial density (the number of mitochondria) as well as the benefits of doing so.

How do mitochondria work?

'Power plants' for your cells are called mitochondria. Their primary job is to convert the foods we eat into energy, which they do by creating the ATP molecule (adenosine triphosphate). Following its production, cells use it to power a variety of bodily processes, including breathing, movement, and exercise.

How mitochondria work

It is sufficient to understand that the mitochondria are absolutely necessary to energy metabolism and that, as a result, they play a crucial role in the oxidation of fatty acids, which is simply referred to as "fat loss," without getting overly technical and exploring cellular biology in detail. Fatty acids must be removed from fat deposits and delivered to the mitochondria in order to be oxidized and used as an energy source in this process.

Why you should raise your mitochondrial density

It would also seem fair to assume that having more mitochondria would be even better given that they are necessary for the metabolism of fatty acids.

By increasing the number of mitochondria, a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis distributes the burden among 100 mitochondria instead of just 10, reducing the stress on just 10 mitochondria and allowing them to perform their function of converting fat into ATP more effectively.

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Each cell may have thousands of mitochondria, and given that our bodies contain trillions of cells, it makes for a large number of mitochondria. In any case, having more of them is beneficial.

how to increase mitochondrial production?

You must provide the body with a cause to make more mitochondria if you want to boost your mitochondrial density. If you don't use them, you lose them, much like with a lot of other parts of our body. Or to put it another way, the body won't generate them if it doesn't need them. Let's use muscular tissue as an illustration.

If you don't give your body a reason to create and retain new muscle tissue, it won't complete the difficult and energy-intensive task. Similar to how you begin losing muscle mass when you stop exercising, you begin losing mitochondria when you stop giving them a reason to be there, which likewise leads to a far less effective reduction in body fat.

Increasing mitochondrial density: methods

Now that we are aware of mitochondria and their benefits, let's move on. The reasonable follow-up inquiry is: What must we do to boost their numbers? Fortunately for us, numerous research has looked into this and provided clear conclusions. Strength and endurance training both result in an increase in the ability to oxidize fatty acids, which is directly related to an increase in mitochondrial density.

The demand for energy from the mitochondria increases as the muscles' energy needs increase. Exercise that involves short bursts of high intensity also boosts mitochondrial biogenesis. After a rigorous workout, new mitochondria started to form within 24 hours. One of the main factors that contribute to an increase in mitochondrial density is the intensity of your workout and the energy demand it exerts on the muscles.

A significantly higher rate of mitochondrial biogenesis will result from a combination of resistance and endurance training than from undertaking solely endurance training. What are the key conclusions from this research? Include both weight training and cardio workouts in your workout program for effective fat loss.

It may be claimed that a combination of resistance training and HIIT is superior to resistance training plus steady-state cardio in terms of boosting mitochondrial biogenesis, despite the fact that one study classified cardio activity as an hour of cycling at 65% of maximum oxygen consumption.

Branched-chain amino acid supplementation has also been demonstrated to boost skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. Indeed, three of the nine essential amino acids for humans are called BCAAs. As the human body is unable to produce these necessary amino acids, they must be obtained through diet.

Because amino acids are the building blocks of protein, protein is one of the three macronutrients that must be consumed daily. It is thought that 0.8–1 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight is sufficient to start biogenesis.

Summary: According to a number of studies, you should center your exercise regimen around strength training and HIIT, eat a diet high in protein and low-glycemic carbs, and focus your training program on increasing mitochondrial density if you want to accelerate the rate of fatty acid oxidation or fat loss.

