Dumbbells are the most adaptable piece of equipment since they allow you to move more fluidly. You have the freedom to vary the placement and angle to alleviate pain from injuries or immobility, and a higher capacity to work unilaterally to treat muscular imbalances, as opposed to the inflexible, preset patterns of machines and barbells.
To establish a strong intramuscular stimulation, which is vital while training, you don't have to go as heavy. Are you ready to use free weights to energize your entire body? This superset workout will put your unilateral strength and coordination to the test in ways that a barbell can't.
Complete the movements in Part 1 for the amount of reps specified, pausing for 20 to 30 seconds between motions and 30 to 45 seconds between sets. Rest for 60 to 90 seconds after completing all three sets in Part A, then complete the triset in Part 2.
Complete the movements for the number of reps specified, resting 20 to 30 seconds between moves and 30 to 45 seconds between sets for a total of three sets. Beginners should use dumbbells weighing 20 to 25 pounds, intermediates should use 30- to 40 pounds, and advanced lifters should use 45 pounds or more.
Part 1: Eccentric Single-Arm Push Press:
How to do it:
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and a dumbbell in your right hand at shoulder height with a neutral grip and your elbow bent at 90 degrees.
Lower into a quarter squat, then explode up, driving the dumbbell overhead with your legs.
Slowly drop to the starting position after a little pause.
Switch sides after completing 4-5 reps on each side.
B. Eccentric Isometric Single-Leg Renegade Row:
How to do it:
Start in a plank position with dumbbells in each hand.
As you extend your left leg, foot flexed, engage your core and keep your hips square.
Slowly row the dumbbell with your right hand toward your rib cage; pause, then slowly lower the dumbbell to the ground without allowing it to touch the ground, keeping consistent tension.
Finish 5-6 reps on each side, then switch sides.
Part 2: A. Squat and Curl with a Single Leg:
How to do it:
Standing with your feet hip-width apart and dumbbells in both hands, elbows bent at 90 degrees and palms facing you, stand with your feet hip-width apart.
Shift your weight to your left leg while elevating your right leg behind you and bending your knee.
Lower into a single-leg squat by hingeing at the hips.
Hold for a moment at the bottom, then drop the weights and curl twice more before pushing up through your heel.
Switch sides after completing 2-3 reps on each side.
B. Squeeze Press using Dumbbells:
How to do it:
Lie down on a bench with dumbbells at your chest and your palms facing each other.
Press up after squeezing the weights together as hard as you can.
For a more difficult workout, wrap a resistance band around your back and around dumbbells.
Reps should be 8-10.
Dumbbell Pullover with a Single Leg:
Reps should be 8-10.
How to do it:
Line up your upper back against the bench and bridge your hips up, palms facing each other, while holding dumbbells.
Lift your left leg off the floor, keeping your knee bent, your foot flexible, and your hips level.
Dumbbells should be lowered to the bench (pullover).
Switch sides after completing 4-5 reps on each side.
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