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Four set-extension techniques for intensifying your workout


Four set-extension techniques for intensifying your workout

If you have never experienced the horror of set-extending tactics, you have not properly trained. Furthermore, growth is impossible without sufficient intensity. Four comparatively easy strategies for getting the most out of your money might help you challenge yourself and intensify the impact of your diligent effort in the gym. Yes, we will discuss intensity today. Dig in!


This invaluable method will assist you in completely exhausting your muscles and overcoming training plateaus that seem insurmountable. In essence, it divides a set into a number of smaller sets, each of which is followed by a brief pause. To perform it correctly, choose a weight that is between 80 and 85 percent of your 1RM, then complete as many reps as you can until you fail.

After 20 seconds of rest, resume. If you fail once more, stop and take a 20-second break. and make one more pass after that. You would be better off sticking to straight sets for squats and deadlifts despite the clear advantages of rest/pause training.

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set drops

Drop sets are undoubtedly something you've done before, but perhaps you weren't able to maximize your gains. If so, a warm welcome to the 8/8/8 approach. This means that after performing an 8-rep maximum set, you will lower the weight (such that it is still heavy but permits for another 8) and perform an additional 8-rep maximum set.

Drop the weight once more, then perform one last set of eight. Drop sets are excellent for gaining total bulk since they boost training intensity in such a special way; they enable you to engage various muscle fibers and grow like a beast. Additionally, they enable you to complete more high-quality work.

supersets of compounds

When you combine two exercises into one complete set with no or very little rest in between, you create a superset. There are many other types of supersets, as you might expect, but the most well-known ones include agonist-antagonist sets, which combine two workouts that target opposing muscle groups, same/similar muscle group sets, which combine two exercises that target related muscles, and upper-lower sets (pairing an upper body exercise with a lower body movement).

There is one kind of superset that rules them all, the compound superset, despite the fact that each of them offers potent advantages. Compound supersets will blow your mind if you want to significantly enhance the intensity of your workout and see improvements throughout your entire body. Incorporate leg presses and squats, dips and incline dumbbell presses, chin-ups and lat pulldowns, or perhaps overhead presses and straight rows.


Using a single-joint exercise for a specific muscle group before going on to a complex exercise for that same muscle group will maximize muscle injury and promote tremendous growth. Flyes, lateral raises, and pullovers, for instance, can be performed before bench presses, overhead presses, chin-ups, and rows.

By doing so, you make your muscles work twice as hard and engage the maximum number of muscle fibers in the targeted muscle group. Pre-exhaust training is also extremely beneficial for people experiencing size and strength plateaus. Nevertheless, beginners are discouraged from attempting this kind of exercise because it can easily result in overtraining.

Numerous variations exist for each of these four approaches, so we invite you to mix and match exercises to get the outcomes you desire. Now that the fundamentals are established, it's time to work out! Good fortune!

