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The Top 8 Squat Errors

Squats should be a mainstay of your workout regimen if you want to increase anabolism, add more muscle, and improve your body's general strength and endurance. You're right to want to get the most out of the simple squat because it's one of the few exercises that can simultaneously work countless muscles across the body and trigger a powerful hormonal response that will help you gain more lean muscle over time.

And because no one is impervious to error, improving your squat performance starts with examining your form and technique and learning how to prevent jeopardizing your outcomes by giving them more attention. Here are 8 things that can harm your squat and how to stop doing them!

1. Not diving deeply enough

Bad form is what damages your knees, not deep squats. In actuality, this is one of the most harmful squatter falsehoods out there. The truth is that some people just cannot squat below parallel owing to their unique body biomechanics, but those situations are quite uncommon, and it is highly probable that you are not one of them. On the other hand, numerous studies have demonstrated that as-to-grass squats, which allow for higher muscle activation, are superior to partial squats in terms of benefits for muscle growth and strength improvements.

The fact that squatting above parallel might actually endanger the health of your knees because the force of the barbell can only transfer onto your knees once you reach parallel is even more intriguing and less recognized. Sticking to shallow squats can also limit your prospective improvements and, quite plainly, make your efforts pointless.

If your hip mobility is lacking, you can focus on improving it by beginning with a simpler version, such as the Goblet squat, which enables you to squat lower while maintaining an upright posture. With enough repetition, you too can squat deeply and experience all of this fantastic exercise's true muscle-building advantages.

Putting Your Knees Together #2

One of the most frequent errors that novice and experienced lifters make when squatting is knee valgus, also referred to as knee collapsing. Although the vast majority of novices experience this, it is vital to strive to avoid it because when your knees collapse inward, your knees are subjected to a significant deal of unnecessary stress that over time may harm the ligaments. Despite their many differences, practically all strength coaches and exercise experts concur that knee caving is bad for the health of the knees.

Inadequate ankle dorsiflexion range of motion, restricted hip mobility, inadequate gluteal strength and development, and generally uncoordinated lower body muscles are the most frequent causes of knee valgus. You will likely get over some of these obstacles as your strength and mobility increase, but you may hasten the process by making sure your knees are always pointing in the same direction as your toes.

Exists a "Best" Squat Position?

The least internal load on the soft tissue surrounding your knees will keep them healthy and functional if you maintain your knees tracking over your toes. If, despite your best efforts, your knees continue to slide toward one another, wrap a mini-band around them to put pressure on your legs and develop the muscles that maintain your knees apart.

Third: Rounding the Lower Back

The tendency for many people to round their backs during squats can, regrettably, quickly result in back injuries. When you arch your back, you put five to 10 times as much pressure on your spine as you would with a properly executed squat.

Normally, a lifter may keep a flat back as they lower themselves into a squat, but as soon as their hips dip below parallel, their lower back curves in and causes the "b**t to wink," or spin down and forward. The strain this practice places on the lumbar spine over time can be highly harmful. Therefore, it's important to keep your spine neutral and flat while squatting.

However, there is another issue: in an effort to correct the b**t wink, many lifters may attempt to arch their lower back more forcefully, which can potentially result in back pain and damage. Instead, focus on enhancing your hamstring and gluteal flexibility, and always remember to stretch them adequately before squatting. Too tight hamstrings will force your hips forward, which will cause your b**t to sink and your lower back to round.

Try this the next time you perform a squat: unrack the bar, assume your stance, then inhale deeply and expel forcefully. Your ribs should lower, and your pelvis should tilt upward as a result. Keep your ribcage and pelvis in this precise posture as you descend.

Lifting Your Heels, No. 4

As you lower yourself into a squat, do your heels rise?

If so, the action is becoming unnecessarily more difficult and your knees are taking a heavier battering than they should. Lifting the heels typically serves as a form of compensation for stiff ankles. However, in the case of beginners, elevating the knees under heavy loads or lots of repetitions will cause the knee joint to wear out quickly. Experienced lifters who know how to squat properly may occasionally be seen doing this in order to improve the range of motion at the knee or bring specific muscles into play.

If you can't keep your heels down, you will lose the even pressure and put too much power on your knees while improperly exercising your glutes and quads. To effectively perform a squat, you want the weight evenly distributed across your entire foot. You'll need to spend some time working on increasing your hip and ankle mobility in order to solve this. To avoid leaning forward, begin by standing up straight before kneeling and curling your toes up.

#5: Making use of the Smith Machine

Never squatting in the Smith machine is the new rule! Why? Due to the fact that the squatting motion is very complex and the Smith machine locks you inside a two-dimensional plane, the movement patterns that arise are obviously abnormal and your body does not receive full training in all dimensions.

Additionally, by stabilizing the weight and lessening the strain on your muscles, it keeps you from reaping the full benefits of the squat. And one of the key benefits of squatting is that it teaches your body how to stay balanced and stable while also strengthening the vital core muscles that support the spine and help with practically all movements.

The last nail in the coffin comes from a Canadian study that determined that Smith-machine squats are almost a waste of time and energy because free-weight squats allow for approximately 43% higher muscle activation.

Use of the Same Squat Variation as #6

You will lose the opportunity to advance more quickly and increase your risk of reaching a plateau if you just perform one kind of squat during each workout. And why would you want to do that when there are so many incredible squat variations that are excellent for working out a range of muscles and providing your body with stimulating stimulus for growth?

When you've mastered the standard squat, branch out and try new things! To improve core activation, lessen tension on the lower back, and activate your quads from a new position, try alternating your back squats with goblet squats every few weeks. The overhead squat is a fantastic exercise for strengthening your lower body while improving your balance and mobility.

The Anderson squat, a comparatively underutilized squat variation, will assist you in reducing momentum, preventing bouncing, and enhancing the performance of your other squats. Additionally, Bulgarian split squats let you overwork the muscles without using excessive weights, helping to correct side imbalances. The path to incredibly admirable outcomes will be paved by iterating through the myriad variants.

#7. Failure to use the safety bars

Use the safety bars whenever you squat in a power rack. If overhead presses are your thing, the safety squat bar will specifically assist strengthen your back, develop trunk stability and strength, stop your chest from collapsing, preserve your shoulders, and speed up your recuperation. In addition to the traditional straight bar, there are many other types of specialized squat bars that all have great benefits, but their main function is to support you in maintaining a stable and tight upper back throughout the squat.

To prevent hitting your barbell on the safety bars with every rep, position the safety bars in the power rack so that they are slightly above where the barbell would be at the bottom of your squat.

#8. Poor Timing and Muscle Activation

The growth of the gluteals is one of the key reasons why individuals undertake squats. And when completing a decent squat, you should aim for maximum gluteal engagement rather than merely going through the motions. How else will they develop and get stronger? To accomplish this, visualize spreading the ground apart with your feet as you ascend to engage your glutes, then tighten them at the top to fully extend your hips.

Make a mental note to always raise your hips and shoulders at the same time, just as you bend your hips and knees at the same time on the way down. This will help you avoid another frequently overlooked issue with squatting: raising the hips faster than the chest and shoulders. This can cause excessive stress on your lumbar spine as you extend the lower back. Keep the bar over your mid-foot and your upper back taut as well. The bar must rise in a vertical line over your midfoot as you exhale from the squat.

Practice correct form to stay healthy and create the strongest possible body because no trap is fully innocuous and some of them can drastically impair your health and muscle-building goals. 

