Bloating is a normal process of the body, and a protruding belly is one of its manifestations. Gas fills around 1 liter (roughly half) of the stomach and intestine in a normal state.
The presence of air in the stomach is due to the work of intestinal microflora microorganisms, which are bacteria that aid digestion. The more difficult it is for the stomach to break down food, the more gas is released.
guidemuscle has many options for getting rid of a bloated stomach while still assisting the stomach in its everyday tasks.
Method #1: Massaging this stage relieves the stomach and reduces gas formation.
As a "starting point," consider the navel. Over it, position four fingers horizontally. Above the upper finger is the desired position. Massage it clockwise and counterclockwise for 2-3 minutes. If you followed the steps correctly, you should have a sour taste in your mouth and increased salivation.
Method #2: This massage can aid in the removal of water accumulation as well as the relief of abdominal pain.
This point is located above the navel at the height of the second finger. Massage it for 2-3 minutes in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction.
Method #3: This massage stimulates bowel activity and relieves bloating.
Underneath the navel, place four fingers horizontally. Under the little finger, you'll find the right point. It also needs 2-3 minutes of clockwise and counterclockwise massage. It will help you get rid of bloating if done correctly.
Bloating can be caused by a variety of factors in a healthy person. They have to do with diet and stomach function. To get you started, here are a few pointers:
Every morning, drink a glass of warm water with lemon.
a bottle of lemon-flavored water 15-30 minutes before a meal helps to regulate gastric acid secretion, alleviate heartburn symptoms, and avoid belching and gas production in the intestine. Lemon also has a high vitamin C content.
Breakfast does not consist of milk and coffee.
Milk increases acidity by stimulating the development of gastric acid. It's not a drink; it's food, and it's very filling. Choose yogurt or kefir since they contain probiotics, which aid digestion by the stomach bacteria. Coffee and beer, on the other hand, have a similar effect on the stomach as milk.
3. Don't wash the food away.
Drinking after a meal dilutes the gastric acid and the concentration of enzymes that aid digestion. As a result, the food takes longer to digest, and the fermentation process will begin. As a result, there is more gas production and bloating.
4. Never consume alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach.
In the absence of food in the stomach, alcohol activates the formation of gastric acid, which slows down its function and starts to corrode the walls. It destroys the microflora in the stomach and intestines when used often. If there's no doubt about whether to drink or not, make sure your stomach isn't empty.
5. Sip some ginger tea.
Ginger's spicy flavor soothes the stomach and lowers gas production and intestinal function. It also helps to dilute and circulate the blood.
6. Limit the intake of fatty foods.
Fatty foods, fast food, and fatty sweets are heavy foods that take a long time to digest. The more difficult a food is to digest, the more gases it contains. You may prevent feelings of heaviness and pain by eating less fat.
7. Avoid "eating air."
We swallow extra air when we eat quickly, talk when eating, chew poorly, drink carbonated beverages, chew bubblegum, or smoke. It isn't harmful, but it does cause bloating and gas formation.
8. Limit the intake of high-fiber foods.
Numerous fruits, herbs, berries, and legumes fall into this category. Due to coarse fibers, excess fiber induces gas production and impedes intestinal function. It's best not to eat too much of this type of food.
9. Take it easy, get plenty of rest, and meditate.
Anxiety and stress cause intestinal motility to be disrupted. You must relax properly to deal with them. Meditating for 15-20 minutes a day, for example, calms the mind, stomach, and heart while also improving blood circulation.
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