Good bodies appear wonderful when the delts are large and well rounded. Additionally, having strong shoulders improves the quality of your lifts. With Arnold Schwarzenegger's boulder shoulders exercise, you may improve your shoulder training.
Shoulders are one of those muscular areas that, after some time of bodybuilding, just flat-out refuse to grow, reducing your gains.
What's worse, young, passionate bodybuilders sometimes overlook the fact that shoulders are a complex body component that need more stimulation and growth-promoting exercises than the typical barrage of pushes.
As a result, we've decided to share some training advice from Arnold Schwarzenegger with you today. For his enormous arms and thick, muscular delts, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the most well-known bodybuilder during his prime.
However, no bodybuilder worked out as hard as he did. One of Arnold's most crucial pieces of advice for aspiring bodybuilders is to not be afraid of hard effort when it comes to shoulder training.
The delts are made up of three heads: anterior, medial, and posterior, or more commonly front, side, and rear, to accommodate the complicated movement of the shoulder joints.
This means that in order to effectively target all three heads of the muscle group, you must include a range of motions in your shoulder training regimen.
It is for this reason why Arnold, a well-known proponent of high volume training, prefers to train his shoulders and traps with more sets, aiming for as many as 30-50 three times per week. See his workout below for fantastic shoulder gains.
Boulder Shoulders Exercise by Arnold
Presses are the standard way that Arnold begins his shoulder workout. He has performed innumerable seated military presses over the years, both to the front and back of his neck, and believes that they are one of the fundamental shoulder exercises.
Both of the variations, he claims, are effective for building side heads, and he would frequently switch between the two with each session.
Start your exercise with some Arnold presses if you feel like adding additional variety and intensity. Arnold presses are performed by starting with the dumbbells in front of your shoulders and turning them outward so that your palms face away from you at the top of the action.
Arnold usually follows presses with raising exercises like lateral rises, which further exhaust the side heads of the delts, front raises, which build the front heads, and bent raises, which primarily work the back delts.
Try lying dumbbell lifts and use cables in your workout to offer variety. These are Schwarzenegger's best trap moves: upright rows, power cleans, and shrugs. He typically uses one of the trees to wrap up his shoulder exercises.
Anyone can develop large shoulders with the correct amount of intelligent exercise. Keep that in mind and don't be afraid to train your shoulders as much as possible. You may discover Arnold's shoulder exercise below, which is sure to completely reboot your shoulders and result in significant increases!
Superset of SEATED PRESS (sets: 5, reps: 6–10)
LATERAL RAISES (sets: 5, reps: 8)
Superset of MACHINE PRESS (sets: 5, reps: 8)
BENT LATERALS (sets: 5, reps: 8)
Superset of UPRIGHT ROWS (5 sets of 5 reps each)
CABLE ONE ARM LATERAL RAISE (5 sets of 5 reps each).
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